A large factor as to why an individual should have a Personal Trainer is that we are trained in teaching others how to exercise correctly to ensure that the exercise is performed safely.
Why is education important for this?
No two people are the same, there's no golden rule which applies to everyone.
Every person has different abilities and requirements when it comes to exercise. This can range from an old injury to even a phobia that can impact how you train.
It is perfectly normal to want to achieve goals straight away. However, this isn't always possible. Personal Trainers can assist you in creating realistic goals, whatever they may be, within a realistic time period. Most importantly, we can ensure that these results are then sustainable.
Additionally, we are the perfect tool to help you achieve a specific goal, which is especially ideal for individuals who are training for specific events, or need to achieve a certain fitness level.
Be honest, how often have you gone to bed and thought 'When I get up tomorrow, I'm going to have an hour at the gym', but then stayed in bed for an extra hour. I've done that before. A massive part of having a Personal Trainer is that we will encourage you during those times that you are struggling to be motivated for your workout. During these times, we are a critical part of ensuring that you commit and stick to your fitness goals.
If you have an appointment to see your Personal Trainer for a session, then you are far more likely to push yourself to go.
This is very common in a gym, that someone may spend 10 minutes halfheartedly on an exercise, then slowly move to do another, before leaving the gym early.
However, some enter the gym with a plan in mind and hit every exercise with a purpose and know exactly what they are doing.
The individuals who hit their goals and sustain them are almost always the latter, and as a Personal Trainer I will always push for you to be the latter so that, together, we can smash your goals.
When studying for my qualifications, I completed a module on nutrition and how it can affect your fitness. Therefore, you can trust that I will always give realistic, and safe, nutritional advice.
Just as importantly, physical exercise can help with mental health issues and is also recommended by many medical professionals as a treatment. A Personal Trainer can help with your exercise plan and can help motivate you by choosing the right exercises that release the most endorphins. Additionally, as a Mental Health advocate, I will always be available as someone to lean on.
There are always some exercises that you enjoy more than others. As a Personal Trainer I am able to tailor your plan to suit you and what you enjoy, as well as encouraging you to do the exercises that are best to achieve your goal, even if they might not be your preferred exercises.
Additionally, there may be certain days of the week that you might be more tired or stressed than others. A Personal Trainer can take this in to account to ensure that the exercises for that day are well suited to to your current mood, but still allow you to make the session helpful.
I understand that different people have different availabilities. Regardless of when you have available time, whether that is the early hours of the morning before work, or your lunch break, or mid afternoon before the kids come back from school, or even late at night, as a Personal Trainer I am able to be versatile and can help you train at all hours of the day and night.
Do you ever get bored of your fitness routine? Has your fitness plateaued? Have you progress beyond the exercises that you know and are comfortable with? As a Personal Trainer, I will be able to take you to the next level in fitness and will continuously challenge you and your abilities to ensure that we keep progressing.
A Personal Trainer can be your life coach, fitness coach, nutrition guide, and encourager all in one, and by using one your fitness goals will be that much easier to achieve.